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Why Norway ?

A land of natural wonders

A land of natural wonders

In the world we live in today, there are few countries where Nature has more space than humans. But Norway is definitely one of them. With only 5,4 million inhabitants, raw Nature is omnipresent all over the country and life has been built around it. It has a lot to say in daily life but also when visiting the country.


Located in the North of Europe, Norway is well-known for being home to deep fjords overlooked by high mountains creating unique, breathtaking landscape that leave you with unforgettable memories. 

Sognefjord Flåm Aurland travel itinerary guide norway fjord

Its impressive Nature also offers blue-ice glaciers, immense waterfalls diving into the valleys, lovely streams running along, an infinite number of small islands, deep and relaxing forests, see-through lakes, rough plateaus… and unique wildlife including moose, polar bears, whales, elk or eagles among others.

Even in the biggest Norwegian cities, Nature is never really far. Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim… they all offer a vibrant and lively city life with easy access to the mountains or the fjords.

But Norway isn’t just about landscape and Nature.

It has a lot more to offer with a long history and has played an important role on the international scene. Its famous Vikings have been all around Europe and have achieved a lot of discoveries. Their story keeps on fascinating people today and you will have the opportunity to learn about them during your time in Norway through many different museums or remaining sites spread across the country. 

Its explorers are amongst the most successful in the world’s history. Numerous Norwegian artists as well are internationally known – Edvard Grieg, Henrik Ibsen, Munch, Gustav Vigeland and more recently Kygo, Sigrid, Aurora… 

On the economic side, Norway plays an important role in the export of oil & gas – being the 3rd biggest in the world – as well as in the fish sector where it ranks in the Top 3 of the largest exporters globally. 

When it comes to sport, Norwegians are among the best in winter sports such as skiing but also in handball & chess – even though football is the most popular sport in the country.

Although known as a rich country nowadays, it has not always been the case. Life in Norway has been (still is in some places) quite rough and people lived scattered around in a lot of small villages with bad infrastructures connecting them. This has played an important role in the development of the country and the culture as it is today.

It is a deep dive into all this that I want to offer adventure seekers travelling to Norway.

I want to put forward the less known places, the small local businesses, the authenticity and create meaningful experiences in partnership with the people here. 

Norway is a wonderful country with A LOT more to offer than what you typically see on the internet, and I want travellers to experience the best of it: raw nature, small places, the culture & its people. 

So if you are ready to go off the beaten path, to live an unforgettable human adventure & to discover what Norway really is about…